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Free Thought 016

Free Thought 016 I have a new one for you today. I will be discussing why it is a bad argument for liberals and democrats to say it’s a good thing for immigrants to come here because we have so many jobs that Americans just don’t want to do. My first point on this is America is becoming increasingly more high wage work. What that means is that the jobs available in today’s America require high levels of education and intelligence. Gone are the days where you can walk down the street and get any old job. The days where you didn’t have to have not just a high school diploma but a college degree. The illegals that come here are now competing for low wage jobs like farm hands, gas station attendants, over all labor work, or janitors. So many of the actual Americans that are born here and their families came here legally need these jobs to live. The problem with getting so many low wage workers is that often they do not have the skill set required to make it in America. After all we are becoming a high wage country. You might say ‘let’s send them to college! We’ll educate them then they will be prepared for the high wage work force.’ I reply what are they going to do to live while they are getting this education? What are they going to do for money to eat, car & gas to get from point to point, a roof over their head, clothes to wear? You may reply, “Well we’ll just pay for all of that.’ Just like that I have the main point of my argument right there. If we can pay for these illegals to go to college, get housing, have money for a car, clothes, and food. Why can’t we do this for our citizens instead? Why are the illegals so much more important than the people of this country? Now one of the big things I always hear from people that don’t want the illegals here is that they bring crime. While that is true, I am far more upset that the democrats would rather pay to have someone that isn’t of this country and their very existence in this country is a crime. We have legal immigration for a reason. It is to make sure that the people that are coming here truly want to do their best when they get here. Now I can’t in good conscience ever vote for a democrat again. I cannot vote for someone that gladly gives our money to illegals instead of helping our people. Why are they giving all this money to illegals? Because they want them to vote, which I don’t know how they’re allowed to vote. They’re illegal, they don’t have the right to vote. But no, democrats think it’s far easier to gain the votes of illegals, unlawful as it may be, they don't even try to fight for our American votes. Do you remember when democrats used to care about the black people? I do. I must admit that it is becoming more of a distant memory nowadays. Why is that? Because the black communities started getting wise to the democratic party’s plans. They told them all these great things they were going to do for them and in the end they were just words. After so many years of this they finally stopped listening. Not all of them mind you, but enough that democrats had to find a new source of votes. Enter low wage immigrants. I as a white man am truly upset that it’s almost impossible to go out and find a job. It’s almost impossible to better myself through education. Now, if I’m that upset because of what democrats are doing with illegals and they didn’t promise me anything. I can only imagine how absolutely pissed off the black community must be. The democrats promised them the world and what happened? They kicked them aside when it got inconvenient. The illegals are hurting everyone that is truly an American. It is hurting the whites because we can’t get work. It is hurting the American Mexicans because they can’t get work. Also, because in the back of everybody’s mind they are always wondering if they are illegal. It is hurting the blacks because where do you think all these illegals are moving? They are moving into the black communities. They are taking what few jobs they have and all the social benefits. Now if you ask me the social benefits should be for Americans, not illegals. Final point that might get raised is we are the nation of immigrants. This is not true. We are a nation of settlers. We created this country. Immigration is what happens after a country is founded, not before. I am proud that my family lineage goes back to the Independence war. I am proud to be called an American. With that pride comes a responsibility. A responsibility to keep this nation strong. To keep it independent from tyranny and to use my first amendment right to speak out when I see injustices. There has been no bigger injustice that I have seen than the democrats catering to illegals above the American people. I leave you with these final thoughts today. The midterms are coming up in November 2018. I will be voting straight republican. Not because I believe in the republican party or that I even like the majority of what comes out of their mouths. No, the reason I am voting for them is because I cannot in good conscience vote for any democrat. They do not deserve mine or your votes. K. West

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